Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Episode March 19th!!!

Greetings fellow HIMYM fans! Unfortunately there are no new episodes for this week.  New episodes resume next Monday with "The Broath".  This episode sounds epic. All I know about this episode is that Barney and Quinn (guest star, Becki Newton) want to move in together.  To me, this sounds a bit crazy because they only went on a second date in the last episode.  Apparently the gang disapproves of Barney's wishes (I probably would too. That is moving way too fast).  Anyways because there is no new episode this week, I would like to take a moment to recap what has been going on lately with the series.  We know that Barney and Quinn are starting to get serious and that Ted is finally starting to get past on waiting around for Robin.  But there has been less focus on Lilly and Marshall.  Other than the bets they have been placing against their friends for years, (that is truly weird) there has been less focus on them.  I mean really? Lilly is about to pop out with a baby. Surely there is got to be something coming soon with that.  I also like to know what happened to Lilly's dad. He promised to stay with them and help to take care of the baby.  However, the last few episodes have not included Mickey (guest star, Chris Elliot).  Hopefully he will be included in the last couple of episodes.   However, I doubt this will be case the case if there continues to be less emphasis on Lily and Marshall in the end of this season.  I guess the writers need to include what is more comical to viewers, which makes perfect sense of course.  It is going to be interesting to see how the season ends.  I can’t wait to see how that unfolds.  Until next week.

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