Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And Another Three Week Break....

So as most of you saw this past Monday on CBS at 8:00 p.m., there was no new episode for this week.  As a fan of the show, I feel the writers are doing the regular viewers a disservice by broadcasting the episodes in matter in which they do.  They end up losing their fan base and this can only hurt their ratings because of a decrease in viewership.  I feel it would be better to get rid of these large week gaps in between the last episodes and just end the season.  I did some research and I found out on IMDB that there are five episodes left.  So instead of adding breaks in between every other episode for the last episodes left, just give the fans what they want and play them in the next five consecutive weeks.  That said I just wanted to say (for those that are unaware) the remaining episodes resume Monday April 9th.

Hopefully when they resume, there will be no more long week gaps between episodes.  Unfortunately, the only information I could get regarding the next episodes are from Wikipedia.  So trust it or do not trust.  It's up to you guys.  The next episode is called "Trilogy Time."  I am guessing the writers decided to play around with the boys' favorite movies, the star wars trilogy.  I remember it has been brought up a couple of times in past episodes.  Apparently every three years, the boys (Ted, Marshall, and Barney) get together to watch the Star Wars movies.  Also Barney and Quinn (reoccurring guest star, Becki Newton) finally move in together.  I just hope the next episode is funnier than the last.  I felt that “The Broath” was entertaining and clever, but it did not make me laugh as other episodes have in the past.  I feel if you are going to have to wait for the episodes to broadcast with long breaks in between, the episodes should be worth the wait.

1 comment:

  1. Ben, I think sometimes those broadcasting the shows believe that by post-poning the show to a different week will build suspense and make more viewers anxious to tune in the next week. However, sometimes this can have the opposite effect. Maybe they did this, though, because the next five consecutive weeks will be way better than the previous ones. I don't watch this show but I hope everything is more than you anticipated!
