Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Trilogy

(Courtesy of CBS)

Greetings fellow HIMYM fans!  “Hilarious” would be the best word to describe last night's episode.  I had no idea of what to expect from it.  For those of you that may have not gotten the chance to see it, I will not give anything away.  For those of you not familiar with this episode, it is about Barney, Ted, and Marshall getting together every three years to watch the Star Wars trilogy.  Meanwhile, Barney and Quinn have some issues as a couple.  I really saw this particular episode as a turning point for some things that are changing among the characters of the series.  I did not used to think that the series was closer to the end until today.  After this episode, I feel that there are maybe only 2 or 3 seasons left.  

It is kind of sad when you think about it; I am already sad this season is about to end because it has been the most interesting so far.  Only four episodes remain!  We still have yet to see if Quinn is the girl Barney ends up marrying and if Ted’s future wife was his date at Barney’s wedding.  I am waiting for next week in great anticipation.  As a preview for next week’s episode, I will say that Ted is feeling lonely in his apartment and Barney tries to persuade Ted to start going out every night.  Meanwhile, Robin starts her new job as the co-anchor of World Wide News and Lily has a wet dream, but Marshall is not in it.  It is safe to say that this season’s finale is going to be great, but we still have no clue of what to expect really.  I hope all ends well for Ted.  He has been through a lot lately.  Until next week, my fellow fans!

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