Thursday, April 19, 2012

Now We Are Even

(Courtesy of CBS)
Ah man this week's episode was great.  The writers this season have done a great job of making it unpredictable to guess what each episode will entail.  Even though, I do not like giving overviews or synopses of any episodes, I will break my rule.  This is for good reason though.  I want to give a very important life lesson that cannot be taken away from this episode.  So in this episode, Barney tries to convince Ted that every night should be a "legendary."  This is because Barney is insecure that his girlfriend is a stripper. (Barney is unable to get past what his girlfriend is doing for her "customers."  So to not think about it, Barney attempts to do things every night to get his mind off of it. 

Meanwhile, Marshall tries to figure out whom Lily has a sex dream about.  He knows it is someone that the gang knows.  At the same time Robin wants to get some more recognition for what she does as news anchor because the security guard ID's her every time she walks into the building when there is a giant poster of her next to his desk.  Robin is then forced to land a helicopter on her own because her pilot has a stroke and then everyone in New York figures out whom she is.  That brings me to my point of the important life lesson....  Ted has not spoken to Robin in a long time, but he still sends her a text to say that he hopes she is ok (Ted said to her that he loved her, but she did not feel the same way).  The life lesson is that insecurities mean nothing in this life.  Once people realize this, the only thing that matters is the people in their lives.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Trilogy

(Courtesy of CBS)

Greetings fellow HIMYM fans!  “Hilarious” would be the best word to describe last night's episode.  I had no idea of what to expect from it.  For those of you that may have not gotten the chance to see it, I will not give anything away.  For those of you not familiar with this episode, it is about Barney, Ted, and Marshall getting together every three years to watch the Star Wars trilogy.  Meanwhile, Barney and Quinn have some issues as a couple.  I really saw this particular episode as a turning point for some things that are changing among the characters of the series.  I did not used to think that the series was closer to the end until today.  After this episode, I feel that there are maybe only 2 or 3 seasons left.  

It is kind of sad when you think about it; I am already sad this season is about to end because it has been the most interesting so far.  Only four episodes remain!  We still have yet to see if Quinn is the girl Barney ends up marrying and if Ted’s future wife was his date at Barney’s wedding.  I am waiting for next week in great anticipation.  As a preview for next week’s episode, I will say that Ted is feeling lonely in his apartment and Barney tries to persuade Ted to start going out every night.  Meanwhile, Robin starts her new job as the co-anchor of World Wide News and Lily has a wet dream, but Marshall is not in it.  It is safe to say that this season’s finale is going to be great, but we still have no clue of what to expect really.  I hope all ends well for Ted.  He has been through a lot lately.  Until next week, my fellow fans!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

New Episodes Resume Next Week!

Ah finally the wait is almost over my fellow HIMYM fans.  I am glad to say that next week the show is back with a new episode.  Last night, while I was watching the national college basketball championship game, I realized that new episodes would have probably resumed this week had it not been for the game.  When I was looking online for more info regarding the last five episodes that remain, I could not help but remember that overall, this season future Ted is also telling his kids about the stories that led to Barney's wedding day.  I had completely forgotten this is how the season started.  Now that I remember, I wonder if Quinn is going to be a regular cast member for next season.  Is the "legendary" tale of Barnabus Stinson coming to an end? I do not know, but we shall see.  Will Barney marry a stripper?  That sounds so perfect for his character and I could not picture it any other way.

I am in great anticipation of the season finale because apparently the gang also reminisces about the time they encouraged Ted to go after the one that got away.  I do not know about you all, but the only girl that I can think matches that profile is Victoria (former guest star, Ashley Williams).  That is to say if it one of the numerous girls that Ted has dated that we know of.  We know it is not Zoey (former guest star, Jennifer Morrison) because the gang discouraged him from getting back together with her.  So that leaves it to Victoria, who he had the chance to snatch back from the German guy she met in Europe.  I can't wait for this season to end.  It has definitely been the most interesting season thus far.  I am looking forward to the end of this season.  See you all next week.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And Another Three Week Break....

So as most of you saw this past Monday on CBS at 8:00 p.m., there was no new episode for this week.  As a fan of the show, I feel the writers are doing the regular viewers a disservice by broadcasting the episodes in matter in which they do.  They end up losing their fan base and this can only hurt their ratings because of a decrease in viewership.  I feel it would be better to get rid of these large week gaps in between the last episodes and just end the season.  I did some research and I found out on IMDB that there are five episodes left.  So instead of adding breaks in between every other episode for the last episodes left, just give the fans what they want and play them in the next five consecutive weeks.  That said I just wanted to say (for those that are unaware) the remaining episodes resume Monday April 9th.

Hopefully when they resume, there will be no more long week gaps between episodes.  Unfortunately, the only information I could get regarding the next episodes are from Wikipedia.  So trust it or do not trust.  It's up to you guys.  The next episode is called "Trilogy Time."  I am guessing the writers decided to play around with the boys' favorite movies, the star wars trilogy.  I remember it has been brought up a couple of times in past episodes.  Apparently every three years, the boys (Ted, Marshall, and Barney) get together to watch the Star Wars movies.  Also Barney and Quinn (reoccurring guest star, Becki Newton) finally move in together.  I just hope the next episode is funnier than the last.  I felt that “The Broath” was entertaining and clever, but it did not make me laugh as other episodes have in the past.  I feel if you are going to have to wait for the episodes to broadcast with long breaks in between, the episodes should be worth the wait.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Broath

(Courtesy of CBS)

Hello fellow HIMYM fans! I really do not know what to expect from this episode this week. Most of you are probably wondering why this photo is bigger than the preceding ones. The reason why I made this photo bigger than the others is because it looks so epic. I mean really, who doesn't like an epic action scene? As you know there was a three week gap between this episode and the last and they really did not give any indication as to what would be in this episode except that Barney and Quinn ultimately want to move in together and the gang disapproves. Meanwhile, Ted and Robin fight over who sublet Quinn's apartment. I do not want to get to into any more detail because I do not want to give away any spoilers for those of you that have not seen it yet. However, I will say that with regards to Ted, It is impossible to go back to just friends with the ones you love. It never works. You can never be just friends because you either want something more out of it or you do not want to feel more for that someone else. I know from my personal experience that I used to be friends with this girl that lived across the street from me. When things escalated for me, well long story short (too many details and I have to stop myself). Let's just say things did not end so well and we hardly even speak to one another anymore. We both made several attempts to make it work and I must credit her trying much harder than I did. Over time with many things involved like being naive as well as impatience, we unfortunately ended up resenting one another in many respects. Yeah so in other words it sucks to be Ted right now. So I have given some light into this episode about Barney and Ted being the characters to mainly focus on. I think that will continue to be the case for the last four episodes, unless Marshall and Lily have their kid in this season. Since there are only four episodes left, new episodes resume on April 17th! See you next week. Here’s the link for this week’s episode:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Episode March 19th!!!

Greetings fellow HIMYM fans! Unfortunately there are no new episodes for this week.  New episodes resume next Monday with "The Broath".  This episode sounds epic. All I know about this episode is that Barney and Quinn (guest star, Becki Newton) want to move in together.  To me, this sounds a bit crazy because they only went on a second date in the last episode.  Apparently the gang disapproves of Barney's wishes (I probably would too. That is moving way too fast).  Anyways because there is no new episode this week, I would like to take a moment to recap what has been going on lately with the series.  We know that Barney and Quinn are starting to get serious and that Ted is finally starting to get past on waiting around for Robin.  But there has been less focus on Lilly and Marshall.  Other than the bets they have been placing against their friends for years, (that is truly weird) there has been less focus on them.  I mean really? Lilly is about to pop out with a baby. Surely there is got to be something coming soon with that.  I also like to know what happened to Lilly's dad. He promised to stay with them and help to take care of the baby.  However, the last few episodes have not included Mickey (guest star, Chris Elliot).  Hopefully he will be included in the last couple of episodes.   However, I doubt this will be case the case if there continues to be less emphasis on Lily and Marshall in the end of this season.  I guess the writers need to include what is more comical to viewers, which makes perfect sense of course.  It is going to be interesting to see how the season ends.  I can’t wait to see how that unfolds.  Until next week.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


(Courtesy of CBS)

Greetings fellow HIMYM fans!  After Last week's episode, I was really upset that Robin and Ted did not end up together again.  However, I was not surprised because we already know in the series that Robin is not the mother of Ted's future kids.  With regards to this episode, I will say that I was not expecting the ending to this episode.  I do not want to give any spoiler alerts, but I will say that Barney finally acts on his feelings for Quinn (guest star, Becki Newton) and Ted contemplates getting over his feelings for Robin.  I personally can relate to Ted in this episode because I also need change in my life.  Recently I started to have feelings for this girl in one of my classes.  However to my luck, she is already in a relationship.  Good thing I have spring break coming up because like Ted I could use a break from reality.  I am looking forward to see whether Quinn stays as Barney's new love interest because we are nearing the end of the season.  I think there are only four more episodes left in this season.  The good news is that season eight of the series is already confirmed by CBS, so if it becomes serious between Barney and Quinn.  We can expect to see Quinn in the beginning of the next season.  I still cannot get over Barney and Quinn.  For his character, it would we so ironic if Barney falls in love with a stripper.  I know it is early to say, but I think Barney and Robin will likely have another hook up in the next season.  Maybe I am fooled by the chemistry between Neil Patrick Harris and Cobie Smulders, but their characters look likely to have a relapse in the future.  With all that in mind, I want to say that it is unlikely I will post to this blog until after next week because I will be away.  I look forwarding to posting then.  For those of you that do not know the show itself it also on break until the Monday March 19th when the episode, "The Broath" premieres.  For those of you that haven't seen this week's episode, here's the link.